Thursday 3 March 2011

Street Food- Episode 1

Yahuza Suya- Various Locations in Abuja
Every time I think of Yahuza the song Yahooze by Olu Maintain pops into my head. The same thing happens when I hear the word "Pop" NSync's Pop starts playing in my head (oh crap it's happening now). Please tell me that I'm not the only one this happens to hehehehehe. I digress, back to Suya. Before leaving the States, a friend of mine suggested that I check out Yahuza Suya in Abuja. I considered that one of the best send off advice I got hahahahahahaha. But on a more serious note, once I touched down in Namdi Azikiwe Airport the hunt began. I came across one location in the Central Business District across the street from SilverBird (there are bunch of other locations which I frequent too). I have only two words to describe their suya PURE AWESOMENESS. Everything from the spices to the cut of the meat was exceptional. There are a lot of Suya stands but you just have to try suya by Yahuza.
Quite alright this was not one of the street food or road side suya but in Naija it's always associated as such. This is an establishment. And they do provide for both indoor and outdoor dining. But most of the time you will see people eating suya and  having a bottle of beer outdoors. That's just the way to eat suya right :-)

1 comment:

  1. Now I WILL go to Naija for some good suya!
    Lawd have mercy it's been ages since I had the real deal-

    PS (thanks for stopping by and I will definitely look up the book you recommended)
