Saturday 19 March 2011

Street Food - Episode 2

Pepper Soup with Agidi
I was in my office on a lovely afternoon and saw this girl by the corner delivering meals to other offices. And off course, curiosity got the best of me and I asked WWABD (What would Anthony Bourdain Do)? So I called up the girl and asked what she was serving. I found out that she was serving pepper soup and agidi. The price sounded decent (250 naira) so what the heck, in through Anthony Bourdain fashion I asked her for a plate. I was giddy with excitement I didn't even think pepper soup could be considered street food. I guess you could call this an evolution of street dinning hehehe.
My meal arrived and well it was not what I expected. Yes it looked and tasted like pepper soup but the agidi just threw me off (P.S. before I placed my order I was trying to remember if I liked agidi or not, apparently I don't). If you're familiar with pepper soup, it's either prepared with fish, meat or the other stuff (cow's intestine, stomach and other innards). Mine was prepared with the other stuff. Some were tasty and the others well not so much. Even the pepper in the dish couldn't help with the offensive taste and my need to just puke the stuff out. But in true heroic fashion, I gobbled up the soup (not the agidi- would have definitely thrown up if I attempted) and washed it up with a bottle of water.
You are probably wondering, would I suggest this dish to a friend? the answer is no. To my enemies hells yes hahahahahaha!!! But in all seriousness if you don't mind going all Andrew Zimmerman then throw caution to the wind and take ur taste buds on  an adventure. If you want to try authentic pepper soup look for a place that prepares it well. My overall experience will be within the ewwwwww range. Yes it was that bad - thank God for Orbit Spearmint gums.

The white stuff peaking out from the dish is the Agidi. I'm not quite sure how to describe it but it has the consistency of Jello. It is prepared with maize,  wrapped in banana leaves and cooked. I should also say that Agidi comes in jollof form that is its prepared with stew (that's the tastier form).

1 comment:

  1. ya..umm no.
    The other stuff? And street food too? What constitutes "the other stuff" is highly questionable.
